About Henry County
Solid Waste Management District
Henry County Solid Waste Management District is responsible for implementing programs and educating Henry County residents to reduce, recycle or properly dispose of their residential waste. Through education and programming, we enable residents to be responsible stewards of the environment while preserving public health in and around Henry County.
Meet the Team
Executive Director
Melissa Hiday
Board of Directors
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
The Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of environmentalists, industry representatives, and citizens with an interest in waste management issues, environmental stewardship, and improving our local environment. The members advise the District's board of directors and management on policy, program, and budget issues. Members may also serve on task forces studying a specific issue or problem, making recommendations on them, and taking action on certain projects, as well as assist with district events.
Richard Bouslog
Noah Brown
Danielle Hun
Brittany Miller
Donna Tauber
Marianne Hughes
Kerry Brough
Henry County Solid Waste Management District was created to evaluate existing solid waste management programs, to protect future needs of the district and identify the combination of existing new programs and services needed to manage the district’s solid waste. Moreover, the District will aid Henry County residents with the implementation of solid waste manage programs targeted toward meeting Indiana’s long-term waste reduction goals, preserving and enhancing the environment, protecting natural resources and the public health and safety o the citizens of Henry County.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Henry County Solid Waste Management District, which is comprised of the Henry County Commissioners, Mayor of New Castle, a member from the Henry County Council, New Castle City Council and a Town Board Member from Henry County, will meet on the 4th Wednesday of every other month starting February 28, 2014 at 5:00pm Old Circuit Courtroom, Henry County Courthouse, 101 South Main Street, New Castle, Henry County, Indiana
2024 Meeting Dates:
02/28/24 04/24/24 06/26/24 08/28/24 10/23/24
December TBD